Project Examples

Eversholt Rail Group - Great Trains, Great People, Great Future (corporate video)

This video had been commissioned by Eversholt Rail Group Human Resources to showcase the job opportunities and corporate culture that makes the company stand out among other railway industry players.

Below is slightly different shorter version which was presented at the Eversholt employees offsite in September 2015 as part of the launch of their new slogan "Great Trains, Great People, Great Future'“.

Redenex Real Estate Business Tours

Redenex, the events management company, runs series of business tours for people who are looking to get inspiration from and share experience with their colleagues in other countries.  So far, Redenex runs this type of events for two industries - Real Estate and Retail.  

Watch the video showing the highlights of a Real Estate business tour organised for real estate developers.  

Huge thanks to Valerio Clio for assisting me on this demanding "on the go" shoot.

Quantum Waste - How Green is Your Recycling?

How Green is Your Recycling? Have you ever thought what happens to your waste when it is collected? Is it as green as you think it is?

This video is about Quantum Waste - a local waste management company who recycle in "greener" way compared to other larger waste management giants.  Their philosophy has three main components:

- minimum impact on carbon emissions

-  new jobs for areas where waste is collected

- very high recovery rates where no waste goes to incinerator or wasteland.

If you are looking for a new waste management suppliers, Quantum Waste might be the one for you.

For more information, please go to


Handmake with Austameric - Social Enterprise for Young People

This is short video clip produced for Austameric about their inititiative for young people looking to gain new skills in furniture remaking.  They run a workshop which is free for participants, and everyone gets a chance to remake a chair, learn the skills and earn some money if the chair is sold.

Austameric is a furniture remaking business and social enterprise committed to supporting our community and empowering young people to find enjoyable and fulfilling employment.

The workshop takes place at Building BloQs, which is also a social enterprise that provides creative people with working space, tools and sense of community and belonging. 

For more information, please check out:

Below is the photo gallery from the workshop:

Building BloQs - London Workspace and Community for Artists, Makers and Doers

Building Bloqs is not just a workshop for hire, it is so much more!  However, in the first place it is a collaborative community of artists, makers and doers who come together under one roof to share tools, knowledge and opportunities.

Having spent a few hours at Building BloQs, I got deeply immersed into incredibly friendly, creative and supportive atmosphere, where anyone with any level of skills is welcome.

All the facilities, including workshop, studio and cafe are located at North-East London.  You can learn more about Building BloQs on their website or FB page.

elow is the photo gallery for Building BloQs

Eco Kids Planet - Magazine for children aged 7-11

This short video has been created for a Kickstarter fund raising campaign for Eco Kids Planet in July 2014.  Thanks to all of you who supported the initiative - the company raised over £3200 and the magazine has been successfully launched in September 2014.

You can read more about the magazine on

The video was filmed in Stave Hill Ecological Park London.

Special thanks to Andres, Dasha, Elisa, Mila and Sasha for sharing their independent views on the first issue of the magazine.